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016: Steve Downey

016: Steve Downey



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From Akron, Ohio, to the battlefields of Iraq, Steve Downey has been from one end of the spectrum to the other. 

After his mom called his bluff as an 18 year old, Steve enlisted as an Army Combat Medic in 2005. Fast forward to a kinetic deployment to Iraq, Steve put his training and skills to the test. Layer on the loss of friends and lessons that stick with him to this very day, Steve’s journey to the man he is today is rooted in experience.

Following deployment, he was transferred to Walter Reed Medical Center where he worked as a Transplant Coordinator Specialist. He would later use those skills in his transition to the civilian side.

We cover a lot in this episode - from the Black Keys to faith - and learn about the marks left on Steve by his military experiences and how he’s become a veteran advocate, loving father and husband.



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